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Borrow A Bestie

When things get tough or you have a lot on your mind, it's always great to go to a friend or family member who can give you real advice. However sometimes the things we hold inside, we do because we don’t want to tell our friends or family. It is the secrets we hold close, not because we want to, but because sometimes saying them out loud is hard.

“Borrow a Bestie” is for those who don’t want to commit to a series of counseling sessions, but need a one off appointment to get out the thing they can’t/don’t feel they can tell their friends or family.

What's Involved

Maybe you want to vent, talk through a dilemma, talk about the pressures of parenthood, mum guilt, relationships, work place troubles… with me you can ‘Borrow a Bestie’ who will provide a safe place to express your thoughts, assist you to make sense of them, and problem solve though it. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but I will help you figure out what you want to do next.

Like any good Besite what is said in the session, stays in the session. Borrow a Bestie sessions are bound by the same confidentiality terms as our normal counseling sessions, without the pressure to rebook.

 ‘Borrow a Bestie’ session take place out in the community in places that besties hang…in coffee shops, the library and even at the park. The cost of the session is $150, includes the coffee, and you will leave with a plan for the next step.

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